The friendliness and positivity of people in North Tyneside is one of the area’s best kept secrets, but it is a fact widely recognised by the fast-growing businesses that choose the borough as their base.

We continue to grow, so, for us, Quorum is a great place for us to attract top talent and is flexible enough to provide space for the business to expand.

Dave Hughes, ENGIE UK

One such business is ENGIE UK, a leading energy and services group that operates across three main sectors: energy, services and regeneration.

ENGIEs North Tyneside operation is located on the bustling Quorum Business Park. Dave Hughes, Director of ENGIE UK’s Shared Service Centre, believes the park’s accessibility, coupled with the can-do attitude of people in the region, has enabled it to quickly scale up and deliver for clients.

“ENGIE is a very broad business. From our hub in North Tyneside, we provide all back-office support functions to the ENGIE UK business – across HR, IT, finance, and procurement. We’ve been here since 2014 and now have 300 staff who operate around the clock – 24/7, 365 days a year. We’ve quickly grown and have plans to double the size of our team in the next five years.”

ENGIE has been supported by the Invest North Tyneside team, and the company continues to work with them, as it prepares for its bright future.

“We continue to grow, so, for us, Quorum is a great place for us to attract top talent and is flexible enough to provide space for the business to expand. It’s a vibrant business park, and the collaboration between business and both the local authority here and the surrounding schools, colleges and universities means that we can attract great talent that will help us continue on this upward trajectory.

“We are a people business; this centre works on people and that is our main asset. I may be biased, but I think the strength of the team, the people and the can-do attitude is something that is quite unique to the North East. I see it every day in the team – I see their appetite for change, their flexibility and their desire to do more.

“For me, these are the main positives of being in North Tyneside. I think it is one of the best kept secrets in the UK – we’ve got some real great talent and skills that we can put to force in our business.”

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